Cowboy Dreams
Carl Sullivan (AUS)
Cowboy Dreams - Jimmy Nail
Facing the front wall and traveling along the right diagonal1-2Step right forward at 45 degrees right, scuff left across over right3-4Step left across over right along right diagonal, scuff right forward at 45 degrees right5-6Step right forward at 45 degrees right, scuff left across over right7-8Step left across over right along the right diagonal, rock back on right 1-2Step left to left side, touch right beside left3-4Step right to right side, touch left beside right5-8Turn ¾ turn left in place stepping left, right, left, scuff right beside left (left steps ¼ left, right steps forward, pivot ½ turn onto left, scuff right beside left) This is a tight turn so keep the steps small 1-2Step right forward at 45 degrees right, scuff left across over right3-4Step left across over right along right diagonal, scuff right forward at 45 degrees right5-6Step right forward at 45 degrees right, scuff left across over right7-8Step left across over right along the right diagonal, rock back on right 1-2Step left to left side, touch right beside left3-4Step right to right side, touch left beside right5-6Step left to left side, step right behind left7-8Turning ¼ turn left - step left forward, scuff right beside left 1-2Step right forward, rock back on left3-4Turning ¼ turn right on left - step right to right side, scuff left across right (towards right corner)5-6Step left forward at 45 degrees right (towards corner), tap right toe behind left7-8Rock back on right, low kick forward with left foot towards right corner 1-2Step left back on left diagonal, step right across left3-4Step left back on left diagonal, low kick forward with right foot towards right corner5-6Step right back on right diagonal, step left across right7-8Step right back on right diagonal, low kick forward with left foot towards left corner Now facing left corner1-2Step left back on left diagonal, rock forward on right3-4Step left forward towards left corner, turn ½ turn right keeping weight on left5-8Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward (towards back right corner), hold 1-4Step left to left side, replace weight onto right, step left across over right, hold5-6Step right to right side, replace weight onto left7-8Step right across over left, turn 135 degrees left pushing weight from right to leftREPEAT