Country Magic
Ed Lawton (UK)
The Last Time - Easy-Rider
TOE STRUTS FORWARD X 41-2Step forward on right toe, snap right heel down3-4Step forward on left toe, snap left heel down5-8Repeat steps for counts 1-4JAZZ BOX TWICE MOVING BACKWARDS9-10Step right over left, step back on left11-12Step back on right, hold13-14Step left over right, step back on right15-16Step back on left, holdVINE RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, QUARTER TURN LEFT17-18Step right to side, step left behind right19-20Step right to side, hold21-22Rock left across in front of right, rock back onto right23-24Step left to side making quarter turn left, holdSTEP, FULL TURN, STEP-LOCK-STEP25-26Step forward on right, hold27-28Make a full turn over left shoulder, pivoting on right, hold End making a figure 4 with left, weight on right29-30Step forward on left, lock right behind left31-32Step forward on left, hold2 X HALF PIVOT TURNS, STEPS FORWARD33-34Step forward on right, pivot half turn left35-36Step forward on right, hold37-38Step forward on left, pivot half turn right39-40Step forward on left, holdVINE RIGHT, TOUCH, QUARTER TURN41-42Step right to side, step left behind right43-44Step right to side, touch left next to right45-46Touch left toes to left, hold47-48Make quarter turn to left putting weight onto left, holdREPEAT