Cryin' For Nothing
Barry Arbeider (SCO)
Cryin' For Nothin' - Gary Allan
STEP FORWARD, STEP BEHIND, CROSS OVER, STEP BEHIND, STEP TO THE SIDE1-2Step left foot forward, right foot step behind3-4&Left foot cross over right, right foot step to slightly behind, left step to the side5-6Step right foot forward, left foot step behind7-8&Right foot cross over left, left foot step to slightly behind, right step to the sideTOUCH, SWING, SWEEP, HOOK, CLICK1Left touch slide across the right foot2-3Bring your left foot on hip height a ½ turn to left4&Cross left behind right, ½ turn left (weight on left)5-8¼ turn to left with the right foot out, ¼ turn left with the right foot out, ½ turn left with the right foot out, hook right foot across left and click the right handLOCK STEP 2X, ROCK, CROSS, TOUCH, ¾ TURN1&2Right foot step forward, step left foot behind right, right foot step forward3&4Left foot step forward, step right foot behind left, left foot step forward5&6Right foot step to the right, weight back on left, right foot cross over left7-8Left touch to the left side, ¾ turn to the leftLOCK STEP 2X, ROCK, CROSS, TOUCH, ¾ TURN1&2Left foot step forward, step right foot behind left, left foot step forward3&4Right foot step forward, step left foot behind right, right foot step forward5&6Left foot step to the left, weight back on right, left foot cross over right7-8Right touch to the right side, ¾ turn to the rightLOCK STEP, STEP, ½ PIVOT TURN1&2Left foot step behind, right foot cross over left, left foot step behind3-4&Right foot step behind, ½ turn right, weight on rightREPEATTAG In the 7th wall there is a 12-second break. When you dancing this wall do the first 24 counts and than start the dance from the beginning.