Crying Doves
Rachael McEnaney (USA), Guyton Mundy (USA) & Joey Warren (USA)
When Doves Cry - Sarah Kyle
SAILOR ¼ TURN, SWEEP ¼ TURN, CROSS, SIDE STEP, ¾ TURN HITCH, BALL STEP, QUICK STEP, STEP1&2Step right behind left, step together with left, step forward on right making a ¼ turn to the right3Sweep left foot around in front of right, making a ¼ turn to the right&4Cross left over right, step right to right side&5Hitch left up while making a ¾ turn over the left shoulder&6Step back on ball of left foot, step together with right&7-8Step forward on left, step forward on right, walk forward on leftWALK, SCISSORS LOCK ¼, STEP CROSS STEP WITH ¼, ½ TURN TWICE, STEP, OUT OUT, BALL CROSS1-2Walk forward on right, sweep left foot around in front of right, while making a ¼ turn to the right. (when sweeping left around in front of right sweep the right behind left to lock in behind left, weight ending on left)3&4Step right to right, cross left over right, step forward on right making a ¼ turn to the right5&6Make a ½ turn to the right stepping back on left, make a ½ turn to the right stepping forward on right, step forward on the left&7Step on the ball of the right foot out to the right, step left to left&8Step back on ball of right, cross left over rightSIDE STEP WITH PRESS, KNEE POP, DRAG, BALL CROSS, ¼, ½, OUT, OUT, ¼ TURN, CROSS1&2Step on ball of right to right side, pop right knee in, pop right knee out3&4Drag left to right, step on ball of left, cross right over left5-6Step back on left making a ¼ turn to the right, make a ½ turn to the right stepping forward on right&7Step out to left with left, step out to right with right&8Make a ¼ turn to left stepping left to left side, cross right over leftSTEP ON ANGLE, TOUCH WITH POP, HOLD, OUT, OUT, BACK CROSS, COME OFF ANGLE, ¼, ½, ¼1&Making an 1/8 of a turn to the left step forward on left, (you should be an a 45 facing the back right corner wall) bring right to left while popping body2&3Hold, step right out to right, step left out to left&4Step back on ball of right, cross left over right5-6Step back on right making an 1/8 of a turn to the left (you should be facing the back wall), make a ¼ turn to the left stepping forward on left7-8Make a ½ turn to the left stepping back on right, make a ¼ turn to the left stepping left to left side on theREPEATTAG At the end of the 3rd wall1-2Hold for 2 countsRESTART On the 7th wall, you will do the first 16 counts of the dance. Then you will do a right side rock recover, make a ¼ turn to the left and make another right side rock recover and then restart the dance again