Maurice Rowe (USA)
Creepin' - Jamie Foxx
Sequence: 30, 32, 30, 32, 32, 16, 30, 32 to the endKICK, KICK, JUMP, OUT, OUT, IN, CROSS Dance starts facing right diagonal at 1:301&Low kick right foot to right diagonal (1:30) twice2Jump both feet together squaring up to 12:00 wall (weight ends on left foot)&3Small step right to right, left to left&4Bring right to center, cross left over rightTOUCH RIGHT, TOUCH LEFT, ROLL, TOUCH LEFT5&6Touch right toe to right side, replace right foot next to left touching left toe to left side7Roll body toward left taking weight onto left foot&8Step right next to left and point left toe to left sideHITCH & TOUCH, HITCH HALF TURN TOUCH1&Hitch left knee up next to right leg, step left next to right2-3Point right toe to right side, hitch right knee up&4Making a half turn over right shoulder step right foot in place and point left to left side (left toe should be pointing toward the 3:00 wall, body facing 6:00)HITCH, ¾ TURN TOUCH, SYNCOPATED JAZZ5Hitch left knee up&6Making a ¾ turn over left shoulder step left in place and point right toe to right side (body should end facing 9:00, with right toe pointed toward 12:00)7&8Cross right over left, step left slightly back, step right shoulder width apart from left (weight ends on right foot)RUN, RUN, SWAY, SWAY, SWAY1&Walk (run) forward left, right2-3-4Step forward on left pushing hips forward, then replace weight onto right foot which is still slightly behind (pushing hips back), push weight forward onto left (feet remain stationary while body sways forward, back, forward)STEP BACK DRAG, BALL, WALK, WALK5-6Step right foot large step back, dragging left heel back&7-8Step left foot next to right, walk forward right, leftROCK & CROSS, ROCK & CROSS1&2Rock right foot to right side, recover weight to left, cross right over left3&4Rock left foot to left side, recover weight to right foot, cross left over right¼ TURN, ½ TURN, ROCK RECOVER TOUCH5-6Step right foot ¼ turn back over left shoulder (you will face 6:00), making a ½ turn over left shoulder step forward (to face 12:00)7&8Rock right foot forward, recover weight to left foot turning slightly to face 10:30, touch right next to leftREPEATTAG When dancing the 30-count walls (1, 3, and 7), the last 4 counts of the dance will be omitted and replaced by two touches. The pattern will be as follows: ROCK & CROSS, ROCK & CROSS, TOUCH, TOUCH1&2Rock and cross3&4Rock and cross5-6Touch right to 10:30, touch right next to left Weight remains on left foot, ready to start the dance with the double kicksRESTART There is one restart in the dance which occurs during the 6th pattern of dance. The first 15 counts (through part of the syncopated jazz box) will be danced normal, however instead of finishing the jazz box, you will touch right slightly to side (as count 16), weight stays on left foot, ready to start with the double kicks