Cowgirl's Revenge (L/P)
line/partner dance
Pauline Swigowski
Could I Have This Dance - Anne Murray
Position: Partners start in Promenade position Lady's steps are exactly the same as the line dance version for singles. The man has to make a few changes and even a few turns. Hence, "revenge"WALTZ STEP FORWARD, WALTZ STEP BACK WITH ROCK TO SIDE1-2-3Step left forward, step right together, step left in place4-5-6Step right back, step left together, step right slightly to rightSYNCOPATED WALTZ STEP TO LEFT, SIDE ROCKS&1Step left behind right, cross step right over left2-3Step left to side, step right behind left4-5-6Step left to left, rock onto right, rock onto leftSYNCOPATED WALTZ STEP TO RIGHT, SIDE ROCKS&1Step right behind left, cross step left over right2-3Step right to side, step left behind right4-5-6Step right to right, rock onto left, rock onto rightMOVING FORWARD, TURN HALF LEFT, WALTZ STEP BACK On count 1, both drop left hands. Count 2, the leader goes under the arm. Count 3, the leaders arm is across in front of his body holding the followers hand1-2-3Step left forward, pivot ½ to the left on left stepping back on right, step left back4-5-6Step right back, step left back, step right backTURN ¼ LEFT (WALTZ FORWARD), WALTZ BACK On count 1, the follower takes a smaller step and the leader takes a bigger step. Count 2 the leader turns a further ½ left on his right. Count 3 the leader places his left beside right. On counts 4,5,6 both partners step back at a slight diagonal, so as to be facing each other1Turning ¼ to the left step left forward2-3Step right forward, step left forward4-5-6Step right back, step left back, step right together1 ¼ ROLLING VINE RIGHT, STEP TOGETHER, ROCK LEFT, ROCK RIGHT On count 1, the right hands are raised over the heads and on count 3 the promenade position is rejoined. On counts 1,2,3 the leader turns 1 ¼ left (turning ¼ left, step left forward, turning ½ left, step right back, turning ½ left, step left forward.)1-2-3Turn 1 ¼ rolling vine right.(turning ½ right step left to left, turning ½ right step right to right, turning ¼ right step left forward.)4-5-6Step/rock right forward slightly to right side, rock back on left, rock forward on rightREPEAT