Dance Your Little Heart Out!
Joellen Weeks (USA)
Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You) - Shania Twain
TOE HEEL CROSSES, UNWIND, CLAP1Right toe touch next to left foot2Right heel touch next to left foot3Cross right over left4Left toe touch next to right foot5Left heel touch next to right foot6Cross left over right7Unwind ½ turn8Clap and holdWALK TOUCHES&Step forward right9Step left next to right&Step forward left10Step right next to left&Step forward right11Step left next to right&Step forward left12Step right next to leftWALK BACK, OUT, OUT, IN, CROSS13Walk back right14Walk back left&Step right out to right15Step left out to left&Step right in16Cross left over rightUNWIND, STOMP, WALK, KICK17Unwind ½ to right18Stomp left19Walk forward right20Walk forward left21Walk forward right22Kick leftSHUFFLE BACK, TOE TOUCH, TURN ½23Step back left&Bring right to left instep24Step back left25Touch right toe back26Turn ½ to rightTOE RIGHT, TOE LEFT, HEEL & TOE, HEEL & TOE27Touch left toe to left&Step left next to right28Touch right toe to right29Touch right heel forward&Step right next to left (moving slightly back)30Touch left toe back31Touch left heel forward&Step left next to right (moving slightly back)32Touch right toe backRIGHT VINE33Step right to right34Step left behind right35Step right to right36Touch left next to rightLEFT ROLLING VINE37Turn ¼ turn left stepping onto left38Turn ¼ to left stepping onto right39Turn ½ turn left stepping onto left40Touch right next to leftSTEP ¼, SAILOR SHUFFLES, STOMPS41Step right forward42Turn ¼ turn to left43Step right behind left&Step left to left44Step right in place45Step left behind right&Step right to right46Step left in place47Stomp right48Stomp leftREPEAT