Desert Rose
Leslie Moore (USA)
Take That - Lisa Brokop
1-2Extend right heel forward; touch right next to left3-4Touch right toe to right side; touch right toe behind left heel5-8Right grapevine, with left touch on final beat (step right to right side; step left behind right; step right to right side; touch left beside right) 1&2Right kick ball change3&4Right kick ball change 1-2Extend left heel forward; touch left next to right3-4Touch left toe to left side; touch left toe behind right heel5-8Left grapevine, with right touch on final beat (step left to left side; step right behind left; step left to left side; touch right beside left) 1&2Left kick ball change3&4Left kick ball change 1-2Step forward right; pivot ½ turn to left3-4Step forward right; pivot ½ turn to left5-6Step forward right; pivot ¼ turn to left7-8Slide right foot to meetREPEAT