Dancing The Night Away
Beginner wheelchair dance
Susanne Mose Nielsen (DK)
Dance the Night Away - The Mavericks
Wheelchairs can move during the "holds".HEEL TOUCHES RIGHT, LEFT1-2Touch right heel diagonally right forward, hold3-4Step right foot next to left, hold5-6Touch left heel diagonally left forward, hold7-8Step left foot next to rightHEEL TOUCHES RIGHT, LEFT9-16Repeat 1-8SIDE STEPS, TOUCH, RIGHT, LEFT17-18Step right to the right, hold19-20Touch left next to right, hold21-22Step left to left, hold23-24Touch right next to leftWALK FORWARD, WITH HOLDS25-32Walk forward on right, hold, left, hold, right, hold, left, holdWALK BACK, WITH HOLDS33-40Walk back on right, hold, left, hold, right, hold, left, holdTURN ¼ RIGHT41-42Step on right 1/8 to the right, hold43-44Step left next to right, hold45-46Step on right 1/8 to the right, hold47-48Step left next to right, holdREPEAT