Do-Si-Do Shuffle
Improver contra dance
NTA Participants
Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way - Waylon Jennings
WALK FORWARD THREE, SIDE STEP1Walk forward on left foot2Walk forward on right foot3Walk forward on left foot4Step right foot to right sideBACK TWO, ½ TURNING TRIPLE STEP FORWARD5Walk back on left foot6Walk back on right foot7Begin turn left stepping left foot a little more than ¼ left (8:00ish)&Quickly continue turning body, stepping right foot at instep of left foot8Complete turn left by stepping left foot forward to face back wall (6:00)RIGHT GRAPEVINE, TOUCH, CLAP-CLAP9Step right foot to right side10Cross left foot behind right foot11Step right foot to right side12Touch left toe next to right foot and clap hands twiceLEFT GRAPEVINE, TOUCH, CLAP-CLAP13Step left foot to left side14Cross right foot behind left foot15Step left foot to left side16Touch right toe next to left foot and clap hands twiceFORWARD TRIPLE, ROCK STEP17Begin triple step forward by stepping right foot forward&Step left foot quickly forward, toe at instep of right foot18Step right foot forward19Step left foot forward20Rock weight back to right footBACKWARD TRIPLE, ROCK STEP21Begin triple step back by stepping left foot back, toe at instep of right foot&Step right foot quickly back22Step left foot back23Step right foot back24Rock weight forward to left footHIP BUMPS RIGHT, HIP BUMPS LEFT25Rock weight to right, bumping hips to right26Bump hips to right27Rock weight to left, bumping hips to left28Bumping hips to leftHIP BUMPS RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT29Rock weight to right, bumping hips to right30Rock weight to left, bumping hips left31Rock weight to right, bumping hips right32Bump hips rightREPEAT