Devil Gate Drive
Charles Richman (UK)
Devil Gate Drive - Suzi Quatro
Start after Suzi says 1,2,3. Count 16 beats and start on vocalsKICK BALL POINT, MODIFIED MONTEREY TURN, ½ PIVOT TURN TO RIGHT, LEFT SHUFFLE1&2Kick right foot forward, close right to left, point left foot to side&3-4Close left to right, point right to side, close right to left turning ½ right5-6Left foot forward, pivot ½ right replacing weight to right foot7&8Left foot forward, close right to left, left foot forwardROCK STEP, COASTER STEP, HEEL DIGS, HEEL SWITCHES1-2Rock right foot forward, replace weight to left3&4Right foot back, close left to right, right foot forward5-6Dig left heel forward twice&7&8Close left to right, touch right heel forward, close right to left, touch left heel forward& ROCK STEP, ¾ TRIPLE TO RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, ¼ TRIPLE TO LEFT&1-2Close left to right, rock right foot forward, replace weight to left foot3&4Triple in place right-left-right making ¾ turn to right5-6Cross left over right, replace weight to right7&8Triple in place left-right-left making ¼ turn to leftMODIFIED JAZZ BOX, HOLD, & WEAVE TO LEFT1-2Cross right over left, replace weight to left&3-4Step diagonally back on right, touch left heel forward, hold&5-6Close left to right, cross right over left, left foot side7-8Cross right behind left, left foot sideRIGHT SAILOR STEP, LEFT SAILOR STEP, 2 KICK BALL CHANGES DIAGONALLY BACK1&2Cross right behind left, left foot side, replace weight to right3&4Cross left behind right, right foot side, replace weight to left5&6Kick right foot diagonally back, cross right behind left (ball of foot), replace weight to left7&8Kick right foot diagonally back, cross right behind left (ball of foot) replace weight to leftRIGHT SAILOR STEP, LEFT SAILOR STEP, CROSS BEHIND UNWIND ½ RIGHT, ½ PIVOT TURN RIGHT1&2Cross right behind left, left foot side, replace weight to right3&4Cross left behind right, right foot side, replace weight to left5-6Cross right behind left, unwind ½ turn right (weight ends on right)7-8Left foot forward, pivot ½ right replacing weight to right footLEFT SLIDE, RIGHT SUGARFOOT, HOLD, 2 LEFT KICKS1-2Left foot diagonally forward, slide right towards left3-4Touch right toe to left instep, touch right heel to left instep5-6Cross right over left, hold7-8Kick left foot diagonally forward twiceWEAVE TO RIGHT, 3 WALKS TURNING FULL TURN LEFT1-2Cross left behind right, right foot side3-4Cross left over right, right foot side (large step)5Touch left to right6-7-8Three walks left-right-left turning full turn leftREPEATTAG After wall two dance the following steps and then repeat dance from the beginning JAZZ JUMP FORWARD & BACK, OUT & IN&1Jump forward right then left&2Jump back right then left&3Right foot side, left foot side&4Right closes towards left, close left to right