Dream On (P)
Robert Hocking (UK) & Kathryn Hocking (UK)
Dream On Texas Ladies - John Michael Montgomery
Position: Closed Western Position with man facing OLODMAN: FORWARD & BACK TWINKLES ¼ TURN TWINKLE BASIC FORWARD1-3Cross left over right, (moving slightly forward) step right next to left, step left next to right4-6Cross right behind left, (moving slightly back) step left next to right, step right in place7-9(Raising both hands above lady: head, and changing hands) cross left over right, step right to right turning ¼ turn to left, step left beside right. (to face LOD)10-12(Into sweetheart position) step forward on right, step left beside right, step right beside leftLADY: BACK & FORWARD TWINKLES ¾ TURN LEFT BASIC FORWARD1-3Cross right behind left (moving slightly back) step left next to right, step right next to left4-6Cross right over left (moving slightly forward) step right next to left, step left next to right7-9(Raising both hands over man: head, and changing hands) stepping right, left, forward right, turning ¾ turn to left (into sweetheart position facing LOD)10-12Step forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside rightMAN: BASIC FORWARD BASIC BACK ½ TURN LEFT BASIC FORWARD13-15(Small steps, taking left hand over lady: head finishing with cross hand hold) step forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside right16-18Step back left (changing hands into open hand hold) step right next to left, step left beside right19-21(Dropping right hand raising left hands) step left forward into ½ turn left, step right beside left, step left beside right.(side by side position holding inside hands)22-24Step forward on right, step left beside right, step right beside leftLADY: ½ TURN RIGHT BASIC BACK, FORWARD TWICE13-15Step forward right into ½ turn right (RLOD), step left together, step right beside left (raising left hand finishing in front of man, hands crossed)16-18Step back on left, step right beside left, step left beside right (changing hands to open hand hold)19-21(Small steps raising right hand) step forward on right, step left beside right, step right beside left. (into inside hand hold)22-24Step forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside rightMAN: ROCK FORWARD BACK ¼ LEFT TURN TWICE BASIC FORWARD TWICE25-27Rock forward on left, back on right, step left back ¼ turn left (to face lady, OLOD)28-30(Changing hands, raising right hand taking it over lady's head) stepping forward on right turning ¼ turn to left, (LOD) step left beside right, step right beside left,31-33(Holding inside hands) step forward left, step right beside left, step left beside right34-36Step forward right, step left beside right, step right beside leftLADY: ROCK FORWARD BACK ¼ TURN 1 ¼ TURN BASIC FORWARD TWICE25-27Rock forward on right, back on left, step back right ¼ turn to right (to face man, ILOD)28-30(Changing hands raising left hand) turn 1 ¼ turn to right on left, right, left31-33(Holding inside hands) step forward on right, step left beside right step right beside left34-36Step forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside rightMAN: CROSSOVER TWINKLES TWICE CHANGING SIDES37-39(Changing hands raise left hand over lady: head) cross left over right (crossing behind lady) step right beside left, step left beside right40-42(Changing hands raise right over lady's head) cross right over left, (crossing behind lady) step left beside right, step left beside rightLADY: CROSSOVER TWINKLES TWICE CHANGING SIDES37-39(Changing hands, raising right hand) cross right over left, (passing in front of man) step left beside right step right beside left40-42(Changing hands, raising left hand) cross left over right, (passing in front of man) step right beside, left step left beside rightMAN: ¾ TURN CROSS RIGHT ROCK, ROCK43-45(Releasing hands) ¾ turn to left down LOD, stepping left, right, left (finishing facing lady OLOD)46-48(Rejoin into closed western) cross right over left, rock left to left, rock back onto rightLADY: ¾ TURN CROSS LEFT ROCK, ROCK43-45(Releasing hands) ¾ turn to right down LOD, stepping right, left, right (finishing facing man ILOD)46-48(Rejoin hands) cross left over right, rock right to right, rock back onto rightREPEAT