Dream A Little Dream
John Wilson (UK) & John McFarland (USA)
Dream a Little Dream of Me - The Mamas & The Papas
GRAPEVINE RIGHT, GRAPEVINE LEFT1-4Step right foot to side, step left foot behind right, step right to the side, touch left beside right5-8Step left foot to side, step right foot behind left, step left to side, touch right beside left Steps 1-8 can be replaced with right and left rolling vineKICK BALL CHANGE, BACK & TOUCH, LEFT SHUFFLE, RIGHT SHUFFLE1&2Kick right forward, step right in place, step left beside right3-4Step back on right, touch left toe back5&6Step forward on left, close right beside left, step forward on left7-8Step forward on right, close left beside, step forward on rightSTOMP TWICE, SWIVEL TWICE ¼ TURN RIGHT, BACK SHUFFLE1-2Stomp left forward, stomp right beside left3-4Swivel heels to right, swivel heels to left making a ¼ turn right5-6Stomp right foot, kick right foot out7&8Step back on right, step left beside right, step back on rightROCK BACK, ROCK, FORWARD, SYNCOPATED VINE1-2Rock back on left, recover on right3-4Rock forward on left, recover on right5&6Step left behind right, step right to the side, step left across front of right&7&8Step right to the side, step left behind right, step right to the side, step left beside rightREPEAT