Double Chesterfield
Family Time Wranglers (USA)
Hillbilly Rock - Marty Stuart
ROCKS (SIDE, IN PLACE, BACK, IN PLACE)1-2Rock to left side on left, step in place on right3-4Rock behind right foot on left, step in place on right5-8Repeat 1-4 Styling notes: clap hands (high and to right) when stepping right foot in place (on counts 2, 4, 6 & 8) Variation: rock forward on left instead of to sideCHASSÉS, ROCK STEP, WALK-WALK9&10Chassé forward (left, right, left)11&12Chassé backward (right, left, right)13&14Chassé backward (left, right, left)15-16Rock back on right, step in place on left17-18Walk forward on right, walk forward on left19&20Chassé forward (right, left, right)CHASSÉ & TURN21&22Chassé forward (left, right, left) while turning ½ turn to your right23&24Chassé forward (right, left, right)25&26Chassé forward (left, right, left) while turning ½ turn to your rightFIVE ZIG ZAG TRIPLES, LEFT KICK-KICK27&28Triple step in place right, left, right at 45 degree angle to right29&30Triple step in place left, right, left at 45 degree angle to left31-34Repeat 27-30`35&36Repeat 29&30 Variation: stomp right foot on count 3637-38Kick left foot forward twiceSIX SWIVELS LEFT, RIGHT KICK-KICK39Swivel toes toward left with weight on your heels40Swivel heels toward left with weight on your toes41Swivel toes toward left with weight on your heels42Swivel heels toward left with weight on your toes43Swivel toes toward left with weight on your heels44Swivel heels to center Variation: count 44 can be a stomp with right foot or a jump (with both feet)45-46Kick right foot forward twiceROCK BACK, ROCK SIDE, ¼ TURN LEFT47-48Rock back on right, in place on left49-50Rock to right side, turn ¼ to left on leftRIGHT KICK-KICK, STEP BACK & HOLD51-52Kick right foot forward twice53-54Step back on right, hold (weight is on right foot) On count 54 (the hold) you can let your left foot slide over (touch) beside the right foot prepping for the side rock at beginning of danceREPEAT