Dusty Armidillo Shuffle
Marsha Bailey (USA) & Norma Adams (USA)
Bar Room Athlete - Billy Hoffman
HEEL SWITCHES1&Touch right heel forward, close next to left2&Touch left heel forward, close next to right3-4Touch right heel forward and clap hands&Bring right next to left5&Touch left heel forward, close next to right6&Touch right heel forward, close next to left7-8Touch left heel forward and clap handsHIP BUMPS1-2Bump hips to the left 2 times3-4Bump hips to the right 2 timesHIP ROLLS1-4Roll hips in a circle to the leftHEEL SWIVELS/ ¼ TURN LEFT1-3Weight on toes of feet, swivel heels to the right, left, right4Kick right foot forward as you do ¼ turn leftWALK BACK/ HITCH1-2Walk back right, left3-4Walk back right, hitch left kneeSTEP/DRAG/STEP/ TOUCH1-2Step left foot forward, slide right up to left3-4Step left foot forward, touch right next to leftSIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT/ ROCK1&2Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right3-4Rock back on left, forward on rightSIDE SHUFFLE LEFT, ROCK1&2Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left3-4Rock back on right, forward on leftKICK/ CROSS/ UNWIND ½ LEFT1-2Kick right foot forward, cross right over left3-4Unwind ½ turn left and clapREPEAT