Feels Good
Ed Lawton (UK)
Sure Feels Real Good - Michael Peterson
MONTEREY TURN KICK BALL CROSS TWICE1-2Touch right toe to right, step right next to left as you make a ½ turn right3-4Touch left toe to left side, step left next to right5&6Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left next to right7&8Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left next to rightSIDE BEHIND, SIDE SHUFFLE,TOE STURT,STEP TOUCH9-10Step right to right, step left behind right11&12Side shuffle on right, left, right13-14Step left toe across right, snap heel down15-16Step right to right, touch left next to rightSHUFFLE ¼ TURN SHUFFLE FORWARD TWICE, ROCK STEP17&18Mack a ¼ turn left as you shuffle forward on left, right, left19&20Shuffle forward on right, left, right (or make a ½ turn left on right, left, right)21&22Shuffle forward on left, right, left (or make a ½ turn left on left, right, left)23-24Step forward on right, rock back on leftROCK STEP, ½ PIVOT TWICE, STOMP, CLAP, CLAP25-26Step back on right, rock forward on left27-28Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left29-30Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left31&32Up stomp right next to left, clap, clapREPEATBRIDGE The bridge is at the end of wall 3. This is the only time.1-2Stomp left forward, clap3&4Up stomp right next to left, clap, clap