Flying 9's
Rita M. Kyle (USA)
Tear-Stained Letter - Patty Loveless
HEEL SPLITS, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE TOGETHER1-4Two heel splits5Right to right as left heel swings left Like a wide heel split touching right toe keep heel up but pointed to right6Right toe behind left, left heel swings to right7Right to right, left heel swings left (same as step 5)8Right to center beside left at center Not as difficult to do as it is to read. The heel automatically goes the correct direction 9-16Repeat 1-8 with leftHEEL HOOKS, SHUFFLE FORWARD17-20Right heel forward, hook heel in front of left, shuffle forward on right21-24Repeat 17-20 with leftSIDE TOUCHES, ¼ LEFT TURN25-28Touch right toe right, step together, touch left toe left, touch left at center29-32Left to left, right behind left, left to left turning ¼ left, step together with rightREPEAT