Fly Away!
Stephen Paterson (AUS)
Last Dollar (Fly Away) - Tim McGraw
RUNNING MAN: (RIGHT AND LEFT) AND FORWARD ROCK BACK1&Step forward onto right, scoot right back while lifting left2&Step forward onto left, scoot left back while lifting right3&4Step forward onto right, recover onto left in place, step back onto rightLEFT COASTER, STEP ½1&2Step back onto left, step right beside left, step forward onto left3Step forward onto right4Pivot ½ left taking weight onto left¼ SIDE ROCK, ¼ BACK ROCK, SHUFFLE FORWARD1Turn ¼ left while lifting right before stepping right out to side&Recover onto left in place2Turn ¼ right while lifting right before stepping back onto right&Recover onto left in place3&4Step forward onto right, step left beside right, step forward onto rightSTEP ¼, CROSS SIDE, SAILOR ¼1&Step forward onto left, pivot ¼ right taking weight onto right2&Step left across in front of right, step right out to side3&4Step left behind right, step right out to side, turn ¼ left then step left in placeCROSS SAMBA, ROCK RECOVER ¼1&2Step right across in front of left, step left out to side2Recover onto right in place3&Step forward onto left, recover back onto right in place4Turn ¼ left then step left out to sideCROSS SAMBA, ROCK RECOVER ¼1&2Step right across in front of left, step left out to side2Recover onto right in place3&Step forward onto left, recover back onto right in place4Turn ¼ left then step left out to sideROCK RECOVER ½, STEP ½ FORWARD1&Step forward onto right, recover onto left in place2Turn ½ right then step forward onto right3&Step forward onto left, pivot ½ right taking weight onto right4Step forward onto leftWALK, WALK, STEP ¼5-6Step forward onto right, step forward onto left7-8Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ left taking weight onto leftREPEATRESTART On wall 2, (starts 9:00) dance up to count 8, then restart (restarting to 3:00 wall) On wall 5, (starts 9:00) dance up to count 16, then restart (restarting to 3:00 wall) On wall 8, (starts 9:00) dance up to count 16, then restart (restarting to 3:00 wall) On wall 10, (starts to front) dance up to count 28, then restart (restarting to front)FINISH On wall 13, (the only time you start the dance to the back wall) dance up to count 8, finishing to the front, at approximately 3 minutes 40 seconds fade music