Fly Away
Ed Royko (USA)
Last Dollar (Fly Away) - Tim McGraw
WALK FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT/RIGHT HEEL, RIGHT TOE/CROSS POINT, CROSS POINT1-2Walk forward right, walk forward left3-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back5-6Cross right foot over left, point left toe to left side7-8Cross left foot over right, point right toe to right sideJAZZ BOX CROSS/WEAVE RIGHT1-4Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot, step right foot next to left, cross left foot over right5-8Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right, step right foot to right, cross left foot over rightCROSS STRUT/¼ TURN STRUT/ROCK BACK, RECOVER/FULL TURN TO THE LEFT IN TWO STEPS1-2Cross right toe over left foot, lower right heel3-4Touch left toe ¼ turn to the left, lower left heel5-6Rock back on the right foot, rock forward onto left foot7-8(Moving forward) turn ½ to the left stepping on right foot, turn ½ to the left stepping on left footGRAPEVINE RIGHT, SCUFF HALF TURN TO RIGHT/GRAPEVINE LEFT, TAP RIGHT TOE BACK1-4Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right, step right foot to right, scuff left foot forward while making ½ turn to the right5-8Step left foot to left, cross right foot behind left, step left foot to left, tap right toe backREPEAT There's an 8 count delay when beginning the second wall, (3:00) one time only, when the words are "Ha Ha Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha Ha." During this 8 count delay:1-4Touch right heel forward, right toe back, right heel forward, step in place on right foot,5-8Touch left heel forward, left toe back, left heel forward, step in place on left foot