First Attempt
Joanne Brady (USA)
Drinkin' Bone - Tracy Byrd
Position: Starting in side by side position facing line of dance (cape position) (Gentlemen & Ladies will start on the same foot)STEP, LOCK & STEP, LOCK (WIZARD STEPS), STEP, BRUSH, STEP BRUSH1-2&Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward3-4&Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward5-6-7-8Step right forward, brush left, step left forward, brush rightRIGHT VINE, TRIPLE STEP, HALF PIVOT RIGHT, HALF PIVOT RIGHT1-2-3&4Step side right, left behind right, side shuffle right, left, right5-6-7-8Step left forward, make half turn right weight on right, step left forward, make half turn right weight ending on rightLEFT VINE, TRIPLE STEP TO SIDE, HALF PIVOT LEFT, HALF PIVOT LEFT1-2-3&4Step side left, right behind left, side shuffle left, right, left(3&4)5-6-7-8Step right forward, make half turn left weight on left, step right forward, make half turn left weight on leftTWO SHUFFLES TRAVELING FORWARD, RIGHT HEEL DIG, RIGHT COASTER STEP1&23&4Shuffle forward right, left, right, shuffle forward left, right, left5-6Right heel dig forward (tap right heel forward while slightly pressing on heel), replace weight to left foot7&8Step right foot back, step left back next to right, step right forward 33-64Repeat the above 32 counts but start with the left foot. In other words, you will mirror the steps of the danceREPEATTAG If using "Mr. Teardrop" by David Ball, after 3rd and 7th repetitions of the dance you will have a 4 beat HOLD. Pause and use your imagination for these 4 beats