Maggie Gallagher (UK)
Firedance - The Princesses Of Violin
FULL STEP-BALL TURN, RIGHT CROSSING SHUFFLE, ROCKS, REAR LEFT CROSS SHUFFLE AND CROSS1&2&¼ turn right stepping onto right, step left ball next to right, ½ turn right stepping onto right, ¼ turn right stepping onto left foot (12:00)3&4Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left5&Step left to left side rocking left, recover onto right6&7&Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side (danced on balls of feet)8Cross left over right During wall 8 restart the dance here while facing the 9:00 wallSIDE ROCKS, HEEL CROSS BOUNCES, ¼ RIGHT STOMP, STOMP, TRIPLE STOMP, STOMP, SCUFF, BACK, LEFT CROSS1&Rock to right side, recover onto left2&Cross right heel in front of left lifting left heel, drop left heel3&Step right heel to right diagonal lifting left heel, drop left heel4¼ turn right stomping right beside left (3:00) During wall 4, end here with a right touch, and restart the dance while facing the front wall The following sequence is completed with little steps5Stomp left next to right&a6Right triple step on the spot right, left, right&Stomp left next to right7&8Scuff right heel forward, step slightly back on right, cross left over rightBACK TWICE, CROSS, BACK, CROSS, BACK, CROSS, FULL TRIPLE TURN LEFT, RIGHT SCUFF, RIGHT LOCK STEP1&Step back on right, step back on left (quick back running steps on balls of feet)2&3(Angle body left) cross right over left, step back on left, cross right over left&4Step back on left, cross right over left5&6Triple full turn left (left, right, left, on the balls of the feet & on the spot) (3:00)&Scuff right heel forward7&8Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on rightLEFT ROCK & CROSS, RIGHT ROCK & CROSS, POINT LEFT, LEFT SAILOR, RIGHT SAILOR, LEFT STOMP Steps 1-4 moving forward slightly1&2Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left over right&3&4Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross right over left, point left to left side5&6Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side&7&Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side8Stomp left next to right (3:00)REPEAT