Funky Hip
Gary Steele (UK)
Baila, Baila, Conmigo - Santiago Malnati & Carlos Silva
Once the singers start talking count 16 counts before starting the dance 1&2Hip bumps right3&4Hip bumps left5&6Hip bumps right7&8Left side rock, recover, cross left over right Arm movements during those 8 counts1&2Wave hands above head moving them in time with the hip bumps3&4Repeat5&6Repeat 1&2Hip bumps right3&4Hip bumps left5&6Right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side&7Left foot behind right, step right foot to right side&8Step left foot to left side, touch right foot next to left Arm movements during those 8 counts1&2Wave hands above head moving them in time with the hip bumps3&4Repeat 1&2Hip bumps right3&4Hip bumps left5&6Hip bumps right7&8Left side rock, recover, cross left over right Arm movements during those 8 counts1&2Wave hands above head moving them in time with the hip bumps3&4Repeat5&6Repeat 1&2Hip bumps right3&4Hip bumps left5&6Right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side&7Left foot behind right, step right foot to right side&8Step left foot to left side, touch right foot next to left Arm movements during those 8 counts1&2Wave hands above head moving them in time with the hip bum ps3&4Repeat 1-2Step right foot forward, step left foot forward3-4Step right foot back making an 1/8 turn left, step left foot back making an 1/8 turn left5-6Repeat count 1-27-8Repeat count 3-4 Arm movements during those 8 counts1-2Place right hand behind head for count 1, place left hand behind head for count 23-4Place right hand on right hip for count 3, place left hand on left hip for count 45-6Repeat count 1-27-8Repeat count 3-4 1-8Repeat all of previous 8 counts including arm movements 1-2Right cross rock, recover onto left3&4Chasse right5-6Left cross rock, recover onto right7&8Chasse left Arm movements during those 8 counts1-2Brush right arm over the head for count 1-25-6Brush left arm over the head for count 5-6 1-2Step right foot forward pivot ¼ turn to your left3-4Repeat5-6Repeat7&8Right back rock, recover onto left, touch right next to left Arm movements during those 8 counts1-2On count 1 sling your right arm out as you step pivot turn. Count 2 bring the arm towards your hip3-4Repeat5-6RepeatREPEAT