The Full Monty
Ann Napier (NZ)
You Can Leave Your Hat On - The Ryes
HIP GRINDS WITH SWIVETS, ¼ TURN RIGHT1-2Bend knees, as you come up take weight on left heel & right toe & swivel left with finger snaps3-4Bring feet back to place & bend knees, as you come up take weight on right heel & left toe & swivet to the right with finger snaps5-6Repeat counts 1,27-8Bring feet back to place & bend knees, as you come up turn ¼ turn right on left foot kicking right foot forward at same time with finger snapsFUNKY HIP BUMPS Place hands on top of thighs for this section of 8 counts1Step right diagonally forward & bump right hip to right side2Bend knees slightly & bump hips down to right side3Straighten knees and bump right hip to right side4Bend knees slightly & bump hips down to right side5-8Repeat last 4 counts on opposite sideHIP SWAYS, SAILOR SHUFFLES (2), CROSS BEHIND, UNWIND1-2Step right on right foot at same time sway hips to right, repeat to left3&4Cross right foot behind left, step left foot in place, step slightly right on right foot5&6Cross left foot behind right, step right foot in place, step slightly left on left foot7-8Cross right behind left, unwind ½ turn to right (weight on right)HITCH STEP SLIDES, HIP SWAYS AND TOUCH1&2Hitch left knee crossing it slightly over right, step to left side on left foot, slide right beside left3&4Repeat last 2 counts5-6Stepping left foot slightly to left place hands on top of thighs bending both knees and pushing hips out to left side, push hips out to right side bending knees a little further7-8Push hips out to left side as you start to straighten up taking weight on left, touch right toe out to right diagonal (legs should now be straight)HITCH STEP SLIDES, HIP SWAYS AND TOUCH WITH ¼ TURN LEFT1&2Hitch right knee crossing it slightly over left, step to right side on right foot, slide left beside right3&4Repeat last 2 counts5-6Stepping right foot slightly to right side place hands on top of thighs bending both knees and pushing hips out to right side, push hips out to left side bending knees a little further7-8Push hips out to right side, as you start to straighten up turn ¼ turn left on right touching left toe forwardSTEP TOUCHES TRAVELING FORWARD WITH FINGER SNAPS, SIDE TOE SWITCHES Give this section a lot of attitude & use shimmies as you travel forward.1-2Step down on left foot bending knees, touch right toe out to right side snapping fingers & straightening up3-4Cross right foot over left bending knees, touch left toe out to left side snapping fingers & straightening up5-6Cross left foot over right bending knees, touch right toe out to right side snapping fingers & straightening up&7Step right foot back to place, touch left toes out to left side&8Step left foot back to place, touch right toes out to right sideCROSSING SHUFFLE, ¼ TURN RIGHT AND SHUFFLE BACK, ROCK STEP, FORWARD SHUFFLE1&2Cross right foot over left, step left beside right, step left on right foot3&4As you turn ¼ turn right, shuffle back on left, right, left5-6Rock back on right foot kicking left foot forward at same time, rock forward on left foot7&8Shuffle forward on right, left, right½ PIVOT TURNS, SYNCOPATED SIDE STEPS, HEEL BOUNCES1-2Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ tun right3-4Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ tun right&5Step left foot slightly left, step right foot slightly right6-7-8Bounce heels 3 times in place Option: for counts &5-8 put left hand on left hip and hold right fingers on front brim of hat, looking down to floor.REPEAT When the song finishes, you will finish on the funky hip bumps, there is one last count when it says "Yeah". On this last count take your hat off your head with your right hand.