Louise Hodson (USA)
Friends In Low Places - Garth Brooks
Start on the word "blame"STEP TOUCH, SWAY HIPS1-4Step right touch left, step left touh right, step right touch left, step left touch rightSTEP DRAG RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT5-6Step right, drag left to right and touch7-8Step left, drag right to left and touch9-10Step right back, drag left to right and touch11-12Step forward left, touch rightSTEPS FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, BACK, BACK, FORWARD13-16Step forward right, forward left, back right, hold17-20Step back left, back right, forward left, holdBASIC RIGHT AND LEFT21-24Side right, close left to right, step right, touch left25-28Repeat to the leftSAILOR STEP29&30Right behind left, step left, step right31&32Left behind right, step right, step left33-36Repeat 29-32VINE RIGHT, ROLL KNEES IN CIRCLE (BEND) HOLD37-40Side right, left behind right, step right, step left41-44Bend & roll knees, holdVINE LEFT, ROLL KNEES IN CIRCLE (BEND) HOLD45-48Side left, right behind left, step left, step right49-52Bend & roll knees, holdSTRUT FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT53-54Right forward touch left, left forward touch right55-56Right forward touch left, left forward touch rightTOE DROP HEEL GOING BACK57-58Right toe, drop heel, left toe, drop heel59-60Right toe, drop heel, left toe, drop heelSATIN SHEETS61-64Side right, drag left to right, repeat65-68Cross right over left, step left, repeat69-72Side right, drag left to right, repeat73-76Cross right over left, step left, repeat77&78&Rock back on right, turn ¼ left recover left, side right, left behind right79&80&Step right, step left, step right slightly in front of left, step left81-84&Repeat 77-80& 85-108Repeat 61-84& to original front wall109-118Repeat steps 37-52119-126Repeat steps 37-40STRUT TURNING RIGHT TO HEAD OF HALL WITH 3 STRUTS POINT TOE127-133Strut turning right to head of hall with 3 struts point toeREPEAT