Get The Point!
Michele Perron (CAN)
Rip Off the Knob - The Bellamy Brothers
STEP, PIVOT TURN, RIGHT COASTER STEP, STEP-TOUCH, TOE TAPS1-2&Step right foot forward; step left foot forward; pivot ½ turn right3&4&Step back onto ball of right foot; step back onto ball of left beside right; step right foot forward; step left foot forward5-6Touch right toe to right side; hold7-8Tap right toe to right of left foot; tap right toe beside left foot.CROSS-STEPS WITH TOUCHES, SAILOR SHUFFLES9-10Cross-step right foot over left; touch left toe to left side11-12Cross-step left foot over right; touch right toes to right side13&14Cross-step right behind left; step left beside right; step right beside left15&16Cross-step left behind right; step right beside left; step left beside right.SAILOR SHUFFLE, SIDE TOUCH, ¼ PIVOT TURN, TOUCH-BALL-CHANGE17-18Cross-step right behind left; step left foot slightly left; step right foot slightly right&19-20Step left beside right; touch right toe to right side; hold21-22&Step right foot forward; step left foot forward; pivot ¼ turn to the right23&24Touch right toe in front of left foot; step right foot to right side; cross- step left foot over right.BRUSH, CROSS, BRUSH BACK & FORWARD; SCOOT, PLACE, SHIFT, STEP; KICK & PLACE; SHIFT, STEP, KICK & PLACE25&26Bring right foot from behind left and brush forward; sweep and lift bent right knee in front of left; cross-step right over left&27Brush left toe diagonally back left; brush left toe forward&28Scoot forward on right while hitching left knee; place left foot forward (slightly more weight than touch)29&30Hold position and move shoulders forward shifting weight forward onto left; step slightly forward on right; kick left foot forward and place left foot forward ( right toe is at 45 degree angle)31&32Hold position and move shoulders forward shifting weight forward onto left; step slightly forward on right; kick left foot forward and place left foot forward (right toe is at 45 degree angle).ROCK-STEP, PIVOT TURN, STEP-SLIDE-UNWIND, STEP-POINT, STEP-POINT33-34Rock-step left foot back; rock forward onto right35&36Step left foot forward; pivot ½ turn right; step left foot forward37&38Slide right foot to outside of left foot; unwind ½ turn right; step left slightly forward39&40Point right toe forward; step right beside left; point left toe forwardKICK-BALL-STEP, SCOOTS WITH HITCHES, CROSS-STEP, UNWIND FULL TURN41&42Kick left foot across right leg; step on ball of left beside right heel; step right forward at 45 degree angle43-44Scoot forward on right at 45 degree angle, hitching left knee; scoot forward on right at 45 degree angle again, hitching left knee (arm action: arms are bent at elbow, hands is relaxed fist; "bounce" forearms up and down with knee action)45-46Keeping forearms forward, cross step left toes over right near right heel; unwind 1/3 turn right on the balls of both feet, bending knees and gradually dropping arms47-48Unwind another 1/3 turn right on balls of both feet; unwind final 1/3 turn ending with weight on left and right crossed over left (arms have dropped below waist and legs are straight).STEPS WITH SCUFFS, HIP BUMPS49-50Step right foot forward; scuff left heel forward and clap hands51-52Step left foot back; scuff right heel forward and clap hands53&54Step right foot forward pushing hips forward right; return hips to center and hands to waist; push hips forward right55&56Push hips back left; return hips to center; push hips back left (weight is on left).REPEAT