Gone And Done It
Larry Capeloto (USA)
That Girl's Been Spyin' On Me - Billy Dean
1&2Shuffle forward (left-right-left)3Step forward on right foot4Pivot ¼ turn to the left on ball of right foot and shift weight to left foot5&6Shuffle forward (right-left-right)7Step forward on left foot8Pivot ¼ turn to the right on ball of left foot and shift weight to right footROCKING CHAIR9Step forward on left foot10Rock back onto right foot11Step back on left foot12Rock forward onto right footWEAVE LEFT, TOE TOUCH13Step to the left on left foot14Cross right foot behind left and step15Step to the left on left foot16Cross right foot over left and step17Step to the left on left foot18Cross right foot behind left and step19Step to the left on left foot20Touch right toe next to left footWEAVE RIGHT, TOE TOUCH21Step to the right on right foot22Cross left foot behind right and step23Step to the right on right foot24Cross left foot over right and step25Step to the right on right foot26Cross left foot behind right and step27Step to the right on right foot28Touch left toe next to right foot¾ TO THE LEFT STEP-TURN, ROCK STEPS29Step to the left on left foot and begin a ¾ to the left step-turn traveling to the left30Step on right foot and complete ¾ to the left traveling step-down31Step back on left foot32Rock forward onto right footREPEAT