Gotta Love It
Scott Blevins (USA)
You Gotta Love That - Neal McCoy
STEP, CROSS, SNAP (TWICE), LEFT, RIGHT, CROSS, ½ TURN, CLAP&1-2Step left foot to left side, step (cross) right foot in front of left foot, snap right fingers to right side&3-4Repeat &1-2&5-6Step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side, step (cross) left foot in front of right foot7-8Pivot (unwind) ½ turn to right, clap (6:00)GRIND, BUMP, BUMP, KNEE SHAKE9-10Grind hips around to the left one rotation with weight ending on left foot11-12Bump right hip to right side, bump left hip to left side13-16Leaning slightly to the right over the right knee, push right knee to the right side 4 timesSTEP, CROSS, STEP, KICK BALL CHANGE, CROSS, ½ TURN, KICK, TOUCH&17-18Step left foot to left side, step (cross) right foot in front of left foot, step left foot to left side19&20Kick right foot at angle across left leg, step down on ball of right foot, step (shift) weight to left foot21-22Step (cross) right foot in front of left foot, pivot (unwind) ½ turn to the left with weight on right foot (12:00) For style, push buttocks back as you unwind23-24Kick left foot at angle across right leg, touch left foot back diagonally to the leftHITCH BALL CHANGE, STEP, TURN, STEP, TURN, STEP, KICK25&26Hitch left knee beside right leg, step down on ball of left foot, step (shift) weight to right foot27-28Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn to right on ball of right foot29-30Repeat 27-2831-32Step left foot forward, kick right foot forwardBACK, BACK, ELVIS LEGS, LEFT 1 ¼ ROLLING VINE, PLACE33-34Step back on right foot, step back on left foot (even with right foot, shoulder width apart)35-36Bend (pop) right knee in toward left knee, straighten right knee and bend (pop) left knee in toward right knee37-39Step left foot to left side making ¼ turn to left, pivoting on left foot swing right leg around to complete a ½ turn to the left and place weight on right foot, pivoting on right foot swing left leg around to complete a ½ turn to the left and place weight on left foot (completing 1 ¼ turn)40Place right foot next to left foot with weight on right footOUT, OUT, IN, CROSS, ½ TURN, CLAP, GRIND, BUMP, BUMP&41Step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side&42Step left foot to center, step (cross) right foot in front of left foot43-44Pivot (unwind) to the left ½ turn, clap (3:00)45-46Grind hips around to the left one rotation in two counts ending with weight on left foot47-48Bump right hip to right side twiceREPEAT