Head For The Hills
Lana Harvey Wilson (USA)
Hills of Connemara - Gaelic Storm
FORWARD STEP-SLIDE-STEP, TOE BEHIND, BACK, HEEL FORWARD, STEP, TOE BEHIND1-2Step forward on right, slide left next to right with weight3-4Step forward on right, touch left toe across behind right5-6Step back on left, touch right heel forward7-8Step right in place, touch left toe across behind rightBACK STEP-SLIDE-STEP, HEEL FORWARD, STEP, TOE BEHIND, STEP BACK, CLOSE9-10Step back on left, slide right back next to left with weight11-12Step back on left, touch right heel forward13-14Step right in place, touch left toe across behind right15-16Step back on left, step right next to left½ PIVOT, ¼ PIVOT/HOOK, SHUFFLES FORWARD17-18Step forward on left, pivot ½ right weight ending on right19-20Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right on ball of left hooking right foot over left leg21&22Shuffle forward right-left-right23&24Shuffle forward left-right-left½ PIVOT, FORWARD SHUFFLE, HEEL SWITCHES, SCUFF25-26Step right forward, pivot ½ left weight ending on left27-28Shuffle forward right-left-right29&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right30&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left31&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right32Scuff right forwardREPEAT Harder option for 25-32: ½ PIVOT, HEEL & TOE & HEEL & HEEL & TOE & HEEL &25-26Step right forward, pivot ½ left weight ending on left27&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left28&Touch left toe back, step left next to right29&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left30&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right31&Touch right toe back, step right next to left32&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right