Happy Holiday
Lynne Downes (UK)
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee
RIGHT TOE, HEEL KICK, LEFT TOE, HEEL, KICK1-2Touch right toe to left instep, touch right heel to left instep3-4Kick right foot forward, return next to left5-6Touch left toe to right instep, touch left heel to right instep7-8Kick left foot forward, return next to rightMONTEREY TURN RIGHT, RIGHT SIDE TOUCH, LEFT SIDE TOUCH9Touch right toe to right10Pivot ½ turn right on ball of left foot, step right next to left11Touch left toe to left12Step left next to right13Touch right toe right14Step right next to left15Touch left toe left16Step left next to rightRIGHT VINE, KICK, LEFT VINE, KICK17-18Step right foot right, left foot behind right19Step right foot to right20Cross kick left in front of right21-22Step left foot to left, right behind left23Step left foot to left24Cross kick right in front of leftSTEP RIGHT, CROSS KICK, CLAP, STEP LEFT, CROSS KICK CLAP, STOMP AND BUMP WITH ¼ TURN LEFT25Step right with right26Cross kick left in front of right, clap with kick27Step left with left28Cross kick right in front of left, clap with kick29Stomp right down slightly in front of left30-32Bump heels up, down, 3 times completing ¼ turn leftREPEAT