Hell Yeah!
Kathy Heller (USA)
Redneck Woman - Gretchen Wilson
WALK FORWARD, ½ TURN SAILOR, WALK FORWARD1-4Walk forward right, left, right, left5&6½ turn sailor to right7-8Walk forward left, right (6:00)MAMBO FORWARD, UNWIND ½ TURN RIGHT, LEFT SAILOR, RIGHT SAILOR1&2Mambo forward left, right, left3-4Step right behind left, unwind ½ turn to right5&6Left sailor7&8Right sailor (12:00)SYNCOPATED VINE RIGHT, HEEL JACKS1&2&3&4&Left in front, right to side, left in back, right to side, left in front, right to side, left in back, right to side5&6&7&8Left heel forward to left diagonal, left in place, right across left, left to side, right heel forward to right diagonal, right in place, left heel forward (12:00)WALK FORWARD, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK STEP, ½ TURN LEFT, ½ TURN LEFT&1-2Step left in place, walk forward right, left3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right5-6Step forward left, rock back right7-8Half turn left stepping forward on left, half turn left stepping back on right (12:00)½ TURN SHUFFLE LEFT, PIVOT ¼ TURN LEFT, WEAVE TO THE LEFT1&2Half turn left, shuffling forward left-right-left3&4Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left, cross right over left5-8Step left to side left, right behind left, left to side left, right heel forward on diagonal (3:00)WEAVE TO THE RIGHT, WALK FORWARD ¼ TURN LEFT, PADDLE TURN ¼ LEFT (2X)&1-2Step right in place, cross left over right, right to side right3&4Left behind right, right to side right, left heel forward on left diagonal&5-6Left in place, step right forward ¼ turn left, step forward on left&7&8Hitch right, turn ¼ to left and point right to right side, hitch right, turn ¼ to left and point right to right side. (6:00)REPEATTAG After wall 2 and 4 (both times you will be facing 12:00)1&2-3&4Mambo side right, mambo side left&5&6&7&8Hitch ¼ turn left and point right to side right (4x) (12:00)RESTART After the 4th wall, do the first 16 counts to return to 12:00. Your weight will be on your right. Do a left side mambo step, and a right side mambo touch. Restart the dance through the end of the musicENDING You will be able to do one more full wall and then there will be only 16 counts left. You will normally be ending with the 2 sailors. In order to finish the dance facing front (12:00), just do the left sailor and cross the right behind and unwind ½ turn to right