Hell Ya
Liz O'Sullivan (IRE)
Redneck Woman - Gretchen Wilson
TOE STRUTS X 41-2Touch right toe forward, drop heel3-4Touch left toe forward, drop heel5-6Touch right toe forward, drop heel7-8Touch left toe forward, drop heelFULL MONTEREY TURN1-2Point right to right side, pivot ½ turn right closing right to left3-4Point left to left side, close left to right5-6Point right to right side, pivot ½ turn right closing right to left7-8Point left out to left side, close left to right¼ TURNING JAZZ BOX TWICE1-2Cross right over left, step back on left3-4Step right ¼ turn right, step onto left5-6Cross right over left, step back on left7-8Step right ¼ turn right, step onto leftEXTENDED LOCK STEP, STOMP, STOMP, CLAP1-2Step right diagonally forward, lock step left behind right3-4Step right diagonally forward, lock step left behind right5-6Step right diagonally forward, stomp left beside right7-8Stomp left beside right, clapEXTENDED LOCK STEP, STOMP, STOMP, CLAP1-2Step left diagonally forward, lock step right behind left3-4Step left diagonally forward, lock step right behind left5-6Step left diagonally forward, stomp right beside left7-8Stomp right beside left, clapGRAPEVINE ½ TURN, HEELS, TOES, HEELS, HOLD1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right3-4Step right ½ turn right, close left to right5-6Swivel heels to the left, swivel toes to the left7-8Swivel heels to the left, holdHEEL SWITCHES X 4 TURNING ½ TURN LEFT1-2Touch right heel forward close right to left3-4Turning ¼ turn left touch left heel forward, close left to right5-6Touch right heel forward close right to left7-8Turning ¼ turn left touch left heel forward, close left to rightROCKING CHAIR, PIVOT ½ TURN TWICE1-2Rock right foot forward, replace weight to left3-4Rock right foot back, replace weight to left5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left7-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn leftREPEAT