High Road
Teresa Lawrence (UK) & Vera Fisher (UK)
CROSS ROCK REPLACE, 2 & ¼ TURNS, ROCK FORWARD REPLACE BACK, ¼ SWAYS1-2&3&4&Cross rock right over left, replace weight on left, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, spin ½ turn right and step back on left, spin ½ turn right and step forward on right, spin ½ turn right and step back on left, spin ½ turn right and step forward on right (3:00) Option:3&4&Small step forward on left, step right next to left, small step forward on left, step right next to left. These are small ball steps5-6&7-8Rock forward on left, replace weight back to right, step further back on left, make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, shift weight over to your left side (6:00) This weight shift is more of a sharp movement to the left instead of a smooth swaySIDE BALL CROSS, ROCK & CROSS, ½ TURN, TWINKLE, TWINKLE ¼ TURN&1-2&3&4Replace weight on right out to right side, cross left over right, rock right out to right side, replace weight to left, cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping back on left, make a further ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (12:00)5&6Cross left over right, rock right out to right side, replace weight on left to left side7&8Cross right over left, making ¼ turn right step back on left, step right to right side (3:00)ROCK REPLACE, FULL TRIPLE BACK, & ROCK BACK REPLACE & ROCK FORWARD REPLACE1-2-3&4Rock forward on left, replace weight back to right, spin ½ turn left and step forward on left, spin ½ turn left and step back on right, step further back on left (3:00)&5-6&7-8Step further back on right, step further back on left rocking weight on to it keeping right toe touching out in front, replace weight forward on to right, small step forward on left, small step further forward on right rocking weight on to it keeping left toe touching back, replace weight back to leftBACK BALL CROSS, ROCK & CROSS & SAILOR ¼ SWAY, SWAY, TRIPLE FULL TURN&1-2&3&Small step back on right, cross left over right, rock right out to right side, replace weight to left, cross right over left, small step left to left side4&5-6-7&8Cross right behind left, making ¼ turn right step left to left side, step right to right side & sway weight over on to it, sway weight over to left side, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, spin ½ turn right and step back on left, make a further ¼ turn right and step right to right side (6:00)CROSS ROCK REPLACE & CROSS ROCK REPLACE ¼, WALK WALK, QUICK 'ARF (STEP TURN STEP)1-2&3-4&Cross rock left over right, replace weight on right, small step left to left side, cross rock right over left, replace weight to left, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (9:00)5-6-7&8Walk forward left, right, step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right weight to end on right, step forward on left (3:00) Restart here during wall 2WALK WALK, QUICK 'ARF (STEP TURN STEP) CROSS SIDE CROSS SIDE CROSS HITCH ¼ STEP & STEP1-2-3&4Walk forward right, left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left weight to end on left, step forward on right (9:00)5&6&7&8&Cross left over right, small step with right to right side, cross left over right, small step with right to right side, cross left over right, hitch right knee up slightly while making a ¼ turn to left, step forward on right, small step forward on left (6:00)REPEATRESTART On wall 2, dance up to & including count 40. Restart the dance from the beginning. You will now be facing the 9:00 wall, so the 2 wall dance faces all 4 wallsENDING You will end the dance on the very first step of section 1, the cross rock. You will facing the 3:00 wall. Just hold & look to the front