Honky Tonk Shake
Scott Blevins (USA)
Cowboy Love - John Michael Montgomery
STOMP SHAKES1-2Stomp left foot forward with knee slightly bent and bump hip to left side at same time, bump left hip to left side again3-4Stomp right foot forward with knee slightly bent and bump right hip to right side at same time, bump right hip to right side again5-8Repeat 1-4HEEL, HEEL, HEEL, CLAP, SIDE SHUFFLE, ½ TURN, STEP, TOUCH9-10Touch left heel forward, touch right heel forward and at same time bring left foot to place11-12Touch right heel forward and at same time bring right foot to place, clap13&14Step left foot to left side, slide right foot to left foot, step left foot to left side&15Pivoting on left foot swing right shoulder back making ½ turn to left, step on right foot (even with left foot but slightly apart)16Touch left foot next to right foot (6:00)17-20Repeat counts 13-16 (12:00)STEP, TOUCH, BACK, TOUCH21-22Step forward on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot23-24Step back on right foot, touch left foot next to right footSHUFFLE, STEP TURN, ANGLE SHUFFLE, ANGLE SHUFFLE25&26Step forward with left foot, slide right foot forward to left foot, step forward with left foot27-28Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the left on left foot (6:00)29&30With body angled slightly to left step forward with right foot, step left foot forward to right foot, step forward with right foot31&32With body angled slightly to right step forward with left foot, slide right foot forward to left foot, step forward with left footTURNING SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, STEP, SCOOT, SCOOT, STOMP33&34While making a ½ turn to the left step forward with right foot, drag left foot to right foot, step back with right foot35Step (rock) back onto left foot36Shift (rock) weight forward to right foot37Step forward on left foot38-39Lift (hitch) right knee and scoot forward on left foot twice40Stomp right foot beside left foot (no weight change)PUMP, PUMP, CHANGE, HITCH, STEP, TOUCH, BACK, TOUCH41-42Pump (kick) right foot forward twice43Place (shift weight) right foot next to left foot and at the same time bend the left knee to lift the left foot off the floor behind you (flamingo like)44Pivot on right foot ¼ turn to left while hitching left knee45-46Step forward on left foot, touch right foot beside left foot47-48Step back on right foot, touch left foot beside right footREPEAT