Honky Tonk Honk
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Let It Roll, Let It Ride - The Cherry Bombs
TOE/HEEL STRUTS BACK, COASTER STEP, HOLD1-2Step back onto toes of right foot; step down onto heel of right foot3-4Step back onto toes of left foot; step down onto heel of left foot5-6Step back on right foot; step left foot next to right7-8Step forward on right foot; holdFORWARD STEP-SLIDE-STEP, SCUFF, FORWARD STEP SCUFFS9-10Step forward on left foot; slide right foot up next to left and step11-12Step forward on left foot; scuff right foot next to left13-14Step forward on right foot; scuff left foot next to right15-16Step forward on left foot; scuff right foot next to leftTOE/HEEL STRUT, DOUBLE KICK, BACK STEP, TOE TOUCH, DOUBLE KICK17-18Step forward onto toes of right foot; step down onto heel of right foot19-20Kick left foot forward twice21-22Step back on left foot; touch right toe back23-24Kick right foot forward twiceVINE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN, TOUCH, TO THE LEFT ROLLING TURN, TOUCH25-26Step to the right on right foot; cross left foot behind right and step27-28Step a ¼ turn to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to right29-30Step to the left on left foot and begin a full to the left rolling turn traveling to the left; step on right foot and continue full to the left rolling turn31-32Step on left foot and complete full to the left rolling turn; touch right foot next to leftREPEAT