The Honk
Ganean De La Grange (USA)
A Little Bit of You - Lee Roy Parnell
SCUFF RIGHT, STEP RIGHT, SCUFF LEFT, STEP LEFT1Scuff forward right and arc foot to side2Step apart right3Scuff forward left and arc foot to side4Step apart leftSCUFF RIGHT, VINE RIGHT5Scuff forward right and arc foot to side6-7-8Side step right, step left behind right, side step rightROCK LEFT, BACK RIGHT, ¼ LEFT, SCUFF RIGHT9-10Rock step forward left, recover weight back right11Face ¼ turn left and step forward left12Scuff forward rightSTEP RIGHT, SCUFF LEFT, KICK-KICK LEFT13-14Step forward right, scuff forward left15-16Kick forward left twiceTRAVEL BACK 3-STEP TURN LEFT TO FACE 1 ¼ LEFT, TOUCH RIGHT17Face ½ turn left and step forward left18Face ¼ turn left and side step right19Face ½ turn left and side step left (now facing ¼ left of original direction)20Touch apart rightBUMP RIGHT-RIGHT-LEFT-LEFT21-22Bump hips right twice23-24Bump hips left twiceROCK RIGHT, BACK LEFT, BACK RIGHT, ROCK LEFT25-26Rock step forward right, recover weight back left27-28Rock step back right, recover weight forward leftSTEP RIGHT, ¼ LEFT, STOMP RIGHT, STOMP LEFT29-30Step forward right, ¼ turn left31-32Stomp together right, stomp together leftREPEAT "Apart" indicates approximately 6-8 inches from weight footOPTION FOR STEPS 17-2017-18Step back left, step back right19-20Step back left, face ¼ turn left and touch apart right These steps are not to be used during the first 2 repetitions in competition