Johnny Montana (USA)
Honk If You Love To Honky Tonk - Dallas County Line
TOE-HEEL STRUT STEPS WITH CLAPS1-2Touch right toe forward, step down onto right heel and clap hands3-4Touch left toe forward, step down onto left heel and clap handsKICK, KICK, STEP, TOUCH5-6Kick right foot forward twice7-8Step down onto right foot, touch left toe back.TOE-HEEL STRUT STEPS WITH CLAPS9-10Touch left toe forward, step down onto left heel and clap hands11-12Touch right toe forward, step down onto right heel and clap handsKICK, KICK, STEP, TOUCH13-14Kick left foot forward twice15-16Step down onto left foot, touch right toe back.SLOW SAILOR STEPS17-18Step to right side onto right foot, cross left behind right and step19-20Step to right side onto right foot, step to left side onto left foot21-22Cross right foot behind left and step, step to left side onto left foot23-24Step to right side onto right foot, cross left behind right and stepTURN, PRESENT HEEL WITH FINGER SNAPS, STEP, TOUCH WITH FINGER SNAPS25-26Step to right side onto right foot making a ¼ turn to left, leaning back touch left heel forward and snap fingers high27-28Step forward onto left foot, leaning forward touch right toe behind left heel and snap fingers lowSTEP, PRESENT HEEL WITH FINGER SNAPS, STEP, TOUCH WITH FINGER SNAPS29-30Step back onto right foot, leaning back touch left heel forward and snap fingers high31-32Step forward onto left foot, leaning forward touch right toe behind left heel and snap fingers lowREPEAT