Honey What?!
John Robinson (USA)
Honey Do - Mike Walker
Sequence: AAB, C, AAB, AAAA, BBB. The tag (part C) happens on the instrumental after the first verse and chorus (AAB)PART A (VERSE) TOE FANS TWICE, RIGHT THEN LEFT1-2Fan right toe out to right side, return right toe to center3-4Fan right toe out to right side, return right toe to center (weight to right)5-6Fan left toe out to left side, return left toe to center7-8Fan left toe out to left side, return left toe to center (weight to left)FUNKY BOX TOE-HEEL STRUTS9-10Touch right toe forward with attitude, snap right heel down taking weight11-12Touch left toe forward with attitude shoulder-width apart from right, snap left heel down taking weight13-14Touch right toe back with attitude, snap right heel down taking weight15-16Touch left toe back with attitude shoulder-width apart from right, snap left heel down taking weightSTEP, SLIDE, STEP, SCUFF, STEP, SLIDE, STEP, SCUFF17-18Step right forward, slide left next to right (or lock behind)19-20Step right forward, scuff left heel forward21-22Step left forward, slide right next to left (or lock behind)23-24Step left forward, scuff right heel forwardSTEP, PIVOT ½, STEP, SCUFF, STEP, SLIDE, STEP, STOMP UP25-26Step right forward, pivot ½ left shifting weight to left27-28Step right forward, scuff left heel forward29-30Step left forward, slide right next to left (or lock behind)31-32Step left forward, stomp right next to left (weight on left)PART B (CHORUS) HEEL, TOE, SIDE, SLIDE, HEEL, TOE, SIDE, SLIDE1-2Tap right heel forward, touch right toe next to left3-4Step right side right, slide left next to right (weight on right)5-6Tap left heel forward, touch left toe next to right7-8Step left side left, slide right next to left (weight on left)SIDE STEP, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, TOUCH, RIGHT VINE WITH ½ TURN, SCUFF9-10Step right side right, touch left next to right/clap hands11-12Step left side left, touch right next to left/clap hands13-14Step right side right, step left behind right15-16Step right into ½ turn right, scuff left heel next to rightLEFT VINE WITH ¼ TURN, SCUFF, JAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN, CROSS17-18Step left side left, step right behind left19-20Step left into ¼ turn left, scuff right heel next to left21-22Cross right across left, step left back23-24Step right into ¼ turn right, step left across right8-COUNT WEAVE RIGHT25-26Step right side right, step left behind right27-28Step right side right, step left across right29-30Step right side right, step left behind right31-32Step right side right, step left next to rightSTEP, PIVOT ½, STEP, PIVOT ½, STOMP, STOMP, HOLD 2 COUNTS33-34Step right forward, pivot ½ left shifting weight to left35-36Step right forward, pivot ½ left shifting weight to left37-38Stomp right next to left, stomp left next to right39-40Hold, holdPART C (EASY 16-COUNT TAG) Do the "funky box toe-heel struts" from Part A followed by two Monterey turns. Or be creative and do whatever you like for 16 counts! The important thing is to finish with your weight on your left footBIG FINISH At the end of the very last "B" section, you will modify the last 4 counts: stomp right, hold, stomp left, hold, then throw your hands up in the air for a "big finish."