Honey Love
Irene Groundwater (CAN)
Honey Love - The Drifters
SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH1-2Side step right, touch left toe beside right instep3-4 Side step left, touch right toe beside left instep5-6Side step right, step left beside right7-8Side step right, touch left toe beside right instep Option: Counts 1 and 5 - dip right shoulder Counts 2 and 6 - straighten shoulder On count 3 - dip left shoulder Count 4 - straighten shoulder)SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH9-10Side step left, touch right toe beside left instep11-12Side step right, touch left toe beside right instep13-14Side step left, step right beside left15-16Side step left, touch right toe beside left instep Option Counts 9 and 13 - dip left shoulder Counts 10 and 12 - straighten shoulder Count 11 - dip right shoulder Count 12 - straighten shoulder)FORWARD, HOLD, REPLACE, HOLD, BACK, HOLD, REPLACE, HOLD17-18-19-20Right forward, hold, replace weight on left, hold21-22-23-24Right back, hold, replace weight on left, hold Option Counts 18 & 22 - touch left toe to right instep Counts 20 & 24 - touch right toe to left instep)TOUCH, HOLD, TOUCH, HOLD, FORWARD, HOLD, ¼ TURN LEFT, HOLD25-26-27-28Touch right toe forward, hold, touch right toe back, hold29-30-31-32Right forward, hold, ¼ turn left onto left, hold Option Count 25 - left arm forward and right arm back looking right Count 27 - right arm forward and left arm back looking left Count 30 - look forward Count 32 - touch right toe beside left instepREPEAT