I Love Rock & Roll
Mark Hood (UK)
I Love Rock 'N' Roll - Britney Spears
SYNCOPATED SWITCHES WITH HITCHES1&2Touch right to the right, step right in place, touch left to the left&3&4Step left in place, touch right to the right, hitch right, touch right to the right&5&6Step right in place, touch left to the left, step left in place, touch right to the right&7&8Step right in place, touch left to the left, hitch left, touch left to the leftMODIFIED SAILOR STEPS LEFT & RIGHT ROCK RECOVER LOCK SHUFFLE BACK9&10Step left behind right, step right to the right, step left to the left and forward11&12Step right behind left, step left to the left, step right to the right and forward13-14Rock forward on the left recover on the right15&16Step left back, step right over left, step left back¼ HIP BUMPS SIDE SHUFFLE ROCK RECOVER17-20¼ turn to the right step right to the right bumping hips to the right, bump hip left, right, left21&22Step right to the right, step left beside right, step right to the right23-24Rock left back, recover on the rightSKATE LEFT RIGHT SYNCOPATED ROCKS FORWARD & BACK CROSS UNWIND25-26Skate forward left then right27&28Rock left over right, recover on right step left to the left29&30Rock right back, recover on left, step right to the right31-32Cross left over right, un wind a full turn to the right (weight ends on the left)REPEAT