I Love Rock 'n' Roll
Peter Ng (SG)
I Love Rock 'N' Roll - Britney Spears
STEPS, SLAP HIPS, POSE, FULL TURN1-2Step right to right side, step left to left side3-4Step back right, step forward left5Slap left hip with left hand & right hip with right hand (elbows bent)6Raise arms to sides with palms facing upwards at chest lever As if showing someone that you don't care!7Make ½ turn left stepping forward on right8Make ½ turn left stepping forward on leftJAZZ BOX, FUNKY SIDE KICKS, STEP BACK INTO BODY ROLL, ROCK BACK9-10Cross right over left, step back on left11-12Step right beside left, step left beside right13&Low kick right to right side, step right beside left14&Low kick left to left side, step left beside right15Touch right behind16Shift weight to right and roll shoulders upwards then backwards&Step back on ball of left¼ TURN, CHEST PUMPS ON WEAVE, TOUCHES WITH KNEE POP17&Cross right over left making ¼ turn right and pump, pump For chest pump, raise elbow to side at chest level with palms facing out & near chests, push arms forward & backwards quickly18Step left to left side and arms down19&Cross right behind left and pump, pump20Step left beside right and arms down21-22Touch right to side, touch right beside left23-24Touch right to side, pop right knee inwards and throw head to left Bridge (during 1st, 3rd and 5th repetition only) During the 1st, 3rd and 5th repetition, dance up to step 24 and hold for 2 counts, then start the dance again from beginning1-2Hold, holdCROSS, KICK, CROSS, KICK, MODIFIED JAZZ BOX25-26Cross right over left, kick left to side27-28Cross left over right, kick right to side29-30Cross right over left, step back on left31&Step right back, step left back on ball of left32Cross right over left making ¼ turn right1 ¼ TURN LEFT, KICK BALL JUMP, DRAG, TOUCH33¼ turn left stepping left to side34-35½ turn left stepping right back, ½ turn left stepping left forward36&37Kick right forward, right step to beside left on ball, step left diagonally back38-39Drag, touchREPEATTAG From 6th repetition onwards For 6th repetition, replace "modified jazz box" with a 4-count jazz box31-32Step right back, step left next to right End 6th repetition at count 32 and repeat 17-31& for 4 times till end of song. Dedicated to my loving wife Ee Lin, colleagues from NTUC Income, and line dance friends who helped me whole-heartedly to organize Singapore's line dance world record attempt on 1 May 2002. Let's rock 'n' roll for many more years!