I Love 2 Boogie
Pete Blakemore
Let's Dance - Chris Rea
FORWARD FULL TURN , WITH A LOCK BACK TOGETHER1-8Start with feet shoulder width apart. Go into a forward full turn starting on the right foot. This is done on a " 1&2" beat. Go back to where you started from by locking right over left, and stepping back, put right together with left, do exactly the same again, to finish on the 8th beatBUMP HIPS LEFT TWICE, AND BUMP HIPS LEFT TWICE9-12Bump hips left on the "&" beat, and back down on the 9th beat. While bumping, you should open hands out to left hand side, basically, you just have fists loosely clenched on the beat, and on the bump, open hands out wide, around the height of your head. Do this twice on the left side then twice on the right. On the last right bump, you should do a quarter turn to the rightKICK RIGHT , POINT LEFT, KICK LEFT, POINT RIGHT13-16Kick your right foot forward, and cross over left. Point your left foot to the side, and then kick left foot up, and then cross left over right. Point right to the side, and then togetherGRAPE VINE LEFT, GRAPE VINE RIGHT, CLAP, QUARTER TURN, CLAP, CLAP17-23Cross right over left, put left to the side, point right behind left. Put right to the side, cross left over right, put left and right together, and clap. Put hands on knees, and do a "swooping" quarter turn to the right. Double clapTHREE QUARTER TURN OVER RIGHT, LEFT GRAPE VINE, FORWARD SHUFFLE, BACK SHUFFLE24-32Do a three quarter turn, over right shoulder put left foot to side, and cross right over left. Left to the side again, and slide right to left. Shuffle forward on the right, and shuffle back on the leftREPEAT