I'm Gone
William Sevone (UK)
Long Time Gone - The Chicks
This dance is done at half speed (86 bpm)RIGHT DIAGONAL SUGARFOOT, RIGHT DIAGONAL SUGARFOOT-TOGETHER, LEFT DIAGONAL SUGARFOOT, LEFT DIAGONAL SUGARFOOT-TOGETHER1-2Touch right toe to left instep, touch right heel diagonally forward right3&4Touch right toe to left instep, touch right heel diagonally forward right, step right foot next to left5-6Touch left toe to right instep, touch left heel diagonally forward left7&8Touch left toe to right instep, touch left heel diagonally forward left, step left foot next to rightBACKWARD STEP LOCK, BACKWARD STEP-STEP LOCK, STEP STEP, ¼ RIGHT SIDE STEP, CROSS TOUCH-TOGETHER-½ LEFT SIDE STEP9-10Step backward onto right foot, lock left foot across front of right11&12Step backward onto right foot, step backward onto left foot, lock right foot across front of left13-14Step backward onto left foot, turn ¼ right & step right foot to right side15&16Cross touch left toe over right foot, step left foot next to right, turn ½ left & step right foot to right sideLEFT PENDULUM TOE & HEEL TOUCHES WITH EXPRESSION, RIGHT PENDULUM TOE & HEEL TOUCHES WITH EXPRESSION17-18(Body leaning forward) touch left toe backward, (body straight) tap left toe next to right foot19&20(Body gradually leaning backward - heel gradually moving forward) tap left heel, tap left heel, tap left heel&Step left foot next to right21-22(Body leaning forward) touch right toe backward, (body straight) tap right toe next to left foot23&24(Body gradually leaning backward - heel gradually moving forward) tap right heel, tap right heel, tap right heel With arms bent at right angle to shoulders at all times - as the 'pendulum' swings, swing arms at same timeTOGETHER-CROSS STEP, SIDE STEP, STEP BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS, SIDE ROCK ¼ LEFT STEP, STOMP-SIDE TOUCH-TOGETHER&25-26Step right foot next to left, cross step left foot over right, step right foot to right side27&28Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, cross step left foot over right29-30Rock right foot to right side, turn ¼ left & step onto left foot31&32Stomp right foot next to left, touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to rightREPEAT
At the end of the 2nd wall after count 30 (omitting counts 31& 32) restart dance from beginning
On the 10th wall continue dance up to and including count 16 then do the following:
1Turn ¼ left & step backward onto left foot
2-3Walk backward: right foot, left foot4Touch right toe next to left foot with right hand on hat brim and left hand on left hip