It Ain't You
Terry Hogan (AUS)
It Ain't You - Tamika Kellchear
1-2Step left foot forward, tap/brush right toes beside left foot3-4Step right foot forward, tap/brush left toes beside right foot Counts 3 & 4 are a combination of a touch with a small brush forward, I didn't want to make them touches because I knew some dancers would start clapping with each touch!! I don't mind if you add finger clicks though!!&Step ball of left foot to the left side5-6Step right foot to the right side, step left across in front of right foot7Hold8Unwind making ½ turn right with weight on left foot This is really a quick turn, but I think it feels good being so sharp. If it's a problem, use counts 7 & 8 to turn 9-10Step right foot backward, step left beside right11-12Step right foot forward, hold&Rock/step left foot to the side13Replace weight onto right stepping slightly forward14Step left foot forward crossing right foot15&16Touch right heel slightly forward, step on ball of right foot slightly back from left foot, rock/step left foot slightly forward 17-18Rock/step backward onto right foot, kick left foot forward19-20Step left foot backward, kick right foot forward21-22Rock/step right foot backwards diagonally right rock forward onto left foot23Step right foot slightly forward24Make a full turn left on ball of right foot - keep left foot clear of floor &Step on ball of left foot slightly to the left side25-26Rock/step right foot to the side, rock/replace weight on left foot27Step right across in front of left28Rock/step left foot to the side29Rock sideward onto right foot and make ¼ turn left30Step left foot backward and make ½ turn left31-32Step right foot forward, hold (optional shoulder shimmy)REPEAT