Is This Love?
Pat Stott (UK)
If This Is Love - Deana Carter
STOMP, STOMP, KICK, KICK,COASTER STEP, HOLD AND CLAP1-2Stomp right foot twice without weight3-4Kick right foot forward twice5-8Step back on right foot, close left foot to right foot, step forward on right, hold and clapSTOMP, STOMP, KICK, KICK, COASTER STEP, HOLD AND CLAP9-10Stomp left foot twice without weight11-12Kick left foot forward twice13-16Step back on left foot, close right foot to left foot, step forward on left, hold and clapHEEL GRIND, BEHIND, SIDE, HEEL GRIND, BEHIND, SIDE17-18Cross right over left and place weight onto right heel (toe pointed to the left), grind the heel into the floor and swivel the right toe to the right and step left foot to left side19-20Cross right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side21-24Repeat steps 17 - 20ROCK FORWARD, ROCK BACK, HEEL JACK, TOGETHER, JUMP APART, JUMP ACROSS, UNWIND,HOLD25-26Rock forward onto right foot, rock back onto left foot27-28Jump back onto right foot and touch left heel forward, jump both feet together29-32Jump both feet apart, jump both feet in so that right foot is crossed over left foot, unwind ½ turn to left, holdSTOMP, SWIVEL TO RIGHT - TOE, HEEL, TOE. STOMP, SWIVEL TO LEFT - TOE, HEEL, TOE33-36Stomp right foot next to left turning the right toe in, swivel right foot only to the right - toe, heel, toe and transfer weight to right foot37-40Repeat 31 - 34 with the left foot (transfer weight to left foot on step 40)WEAVE LEFT, ¼ TURN LEFT, STOMP RIGHT, CLAP, CLAP, STOMP41-44Cross right foot over left foot, step left foot to left side, cross right foot behind left foot, turn ¼ to left and step forward on left foot45-48Stomp right foot next to left (with weight), clap hands twice, stomp left next to right (without weight)HEEL, HOLD, SWITCH, HEEL, HOLD, SWITCH, TURNING ½ LEFT - HEEL, SWITCH, HEEL, SWITCH, HEEL, SWITCH, HEEL, SWITCH49-52&Touch left heel forward, hold, close left foot to right foot, touch right heel forward, hold, close right foot to left foot Turn ½ turn to left over the next 4 beats53&Touch left heel forward, close left foot to right foot54&Touch right heel forward, close right foot to left foot55&Touch left heel forward, close left foot to right foot56&Touch right heel forward, close right foot next to left footSTEP DIAGONALLY FORWARD, HOLD AND SNAP FINGERS, CLOSE, STEP DIAGONALLY FORWARD, HOLD AND SNAP FINGERS57-60Step left foot diagonally forward (angle body slightly to right), hold and snap fingers, close right foot the left foot, step left foot diagonally forward, hold and snap fingers61-64Repeat steps 57 - 60 stepping diagonally forward with the right foot (angle body slightly to left)&Close left foot to right foot with weightREPEATTAG After the 5th sequence add two extra stomps with left foot immediately after the first 8 beats, then continue as normal from count 9 (i.e. Stomp, stomp, kick, kick etc).