Joe Speed
William Sevone (UK)
Old Black Joe - Van Morrison And Linda Gail Lewis
4X HIP BUMPS WITH EXPRESSION, 2X SAILOR STEPS1-2Bump hips and swing arms to right, bump hips and swing arms to left3-4Bump hips and swing arms to right, bump hips and swing arms to left5&6Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot in place7&8Cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot in place4X FORWARD CROSS SCUFFS WITH EXPRESSION9-10Scuff left foot forward across right, step left foot to floor & clap hands to left side of head11-12Scuff right foot forward across left, step right foot to floor & clap hands to right side of head13-14Scuff left foot forward across right, step left foot to floor & clap hands to left side of head15-16Scuff right foot forward across left, step right foot to floor & clap hands to right side of headROCK, ½ RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT CHASSE LEFT, ¾ RIGHT, HEEL PRICK, ¼ LEFT, SIDE STEP17-18Rock onto left foot, turn ½ right & step forward onto right foot19&20Turn ¼ right & step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side21-22Turn ¾ right & step forward onto right foot, stamp up left heel forward On count 22, 'dig' left heel forward then 'hitch' backward - similar to a 'pin' prick'23-24(With left knee still hitched) turn ¼ left, step left foot to left side4X CROSSING TOE HEEL STRUTS WITH EXPRESSION On the following eight counts the hand's are raised to either side of the head25-26Cross step right toe over left foot, drop right heel to floor & click fingers,27-28Step left toe to left side, drop left heel to floor & click fingers29-30Cross step right toe over left foot, drop right heel to floor & click fingers,31-32Step left toe to left side, drop left heel to floor & click fingersREPEAT After the 7th wall the phrasing goes out slightly. Don't panic. Just carry on dancing as normalDANCE FINISH On the 14th wall dance up to and including count 24 (6:00) then do the following25-26Cross step right foot over left, unwind ½ left with right hand on hat brim