Wouldn't Be Me
Fulvio Durazza (AUS)
That Just Wouldn't Be Me - Tommy Shane Steiner
PIVOT ½, SIDE SHUFFLE, CROSS, UNWIND ¾ TURN SCUFF, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn right3&4Side shuffle to right side stepping right-left-right5-6Cross left over right, unwind ¾ turn right scuffing right foot forward at the same time7&8Shuffle forward right stepping right-left-rightROCK FORWARD & BACK, COASTER STEP, ROCK FORWARD & BACK, TOUCH, & HEEL1-2Rock forward onto left, rock back onto right3&4Left coaster5-7Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left, touch right together&8Jump back onto right, touch left heel forward& FORWARD STEP, SIDE STEP, BEHIND SIDE CROSS, ROCK LEFT RIGHT, CROSS SHUFFLE&1-2Jump left to center, step forward onto right, step left to left side3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left5-6Rock left to left side, rock onto right in place7&8Cross shuffle to right side stepping left-right-left¼ TURN STEP FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT, SIDE STEP, BEHIND SIDE CROSS, ½ TURN STEP, & PIVOT1-3Turning ¼ turn right - step forward right, step forward onto left, step right to right side4&5Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right6Turning ¼ turn right step forward onto right&7Jump forward onto ball of left, turning ½ turn right step forward onto right turning on ball of left8Step forward onto leftREPEATRESTARTS On the 4th wall only dance the first 16 steps of the dance then restart On the 9th wall only dance the first 16 steps of the dance then hold for 4 more counts then restart Please note that on the restarts you will have to add an & count in i.e. On step 16 you will be with your weight on you right foot & your left heel will be touching forward. To restart jump your left foot to center for the and count and then continue from step 1.