A Woman's Love
Ally Crabtree (AUS) & Carla Schell (AUS)
A Woman's Love - Alan Jackson
FORWARD, HOLD, LEFT, RIGHT, BACK, HOLD, RIGHT, LEFT1-2Rock right forward at 45 degree angle right, hold for one beat of music3-4Step in place with left, step right beside left5-6Rock left back at 45 degree angle left, hold for one beat of music7-8Step in place with right, step left beside rightCROSS, HOLD, ½ TURN RIGHT, CROSS, HOLD, ½ TURN LEFT9-10Cross/step right over left, hold for one beat of music11-12Step on left commencing ½ turn right (moving left), step on right completing ½ turn right13-14Cross/step left over right, hold for one beat of music15-16Step on right commencing ½ turn left, step on left completing ½ turn leftEIGHT COUNT VINE RIGHT17-20Step right to right, hold for one beat of music, cross/step left behind right, step right to right21-24Cross/step left over right, step right to right, cross/step left behind right, step right to rightTOE, HEEL, BACK, FORWARD, TOE, HEEL, BACK, FORWARD25-26Touch left toes directly in front of right foot, drop heel27-28Cross/rock right behind left, step left in place29-30Touch right toes directly in front of left foot, drop heel31-32Cross/rock left behind right, step right in placeTOE, HEEL, BACK, FORWARD, TOE, HEEL, ¼ TURN LEFT, BACK, FORWARD33-34Touch left toes directly in front of right foot, drop heel35-36Cross/rock right behind left, step left in place37-38Touch right toes directly in front of left foot turning ¼ left, drop heel39-40Cross/rock left behind right, step right in placeTOUCH, BALL CHANGE, TOUCH BALL CHANGE, ROCK FORWARD/BACK, TURN ½, STOMP41&42Touch left toes behind right heel, step left back (weight on toes), stomp right forward43&44Touch left toes behind right heel, step left back (weight on toes), stomp right forward45-46Rock left forward, rock right in place47-48Step left back turning ½ turn left, stomp right forwardTOUCH, BALL CHANGE, TOUCH, BALL CHANGE, ROCK FORWARD/BACK, TURN ½ LEFT, TRIPLE STEP49&50Touch left toes behind right heel, step left back (weight on toes), stomp right forward51&52Touch left toes behind right heel, step left back (weight on toes), stomp right forward53-54Rock left forward, rock right in place55&56Step left back turning ½ turn left, step right beside left, step left beside rightCROSS, HOLD, BACK, TOGETHER - CROSS, HOLD, BACK, TOGETHER57-60Cross right over left, hold for one beat of music, step left back, step right beside left61-64Cross left over right, hold for one beat of music, step right back, step left beside rightREPEAT On the eighth time through the dance, the music slows down with the words "I adore it. Thank God for it. A woman's Love" then stops. Keep the dance going at the same pace through this section, then stop after count 40. Wait for the music to start again continuing with count 41. Dance ends with weight on left, right forward at a diagonal, head bowed after count 5