Wishes For 2 (P)
Brian Randall (USA) & Linda Burton
(I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be) Free / One - Lighthouse Family
Position: Starts in Sweetheart position, footwork is the same for both man and lady Couples dance adapted from the line dance 'Wishes'SIDE, TOGETHER, SHUFFLE FORWARD, SIDE, TOGETHER, SHUFFLE BACK1-2Step right to side, step left next to right taking weight3&4Shuffle forward, right, left, right5-6Step left to left side, step right next to left taking weight7&8Shuffle back, right, left, rightSIDE, TOGETHER, SHUFFLE BACKWARD, SIDE, TOGETHER, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Step right to right side, step left next to right taking weight3&4Shuffle back, right, left, right5-6Step left to left side, step right next to left taking weight7&8Shuffle forward, left, right, leftSWAY LEFT, RIGHT, STEP TOGETHER, ROCK SIDE, RECOVER, CROSS SHUFFLE1-2Sway right, left3-4Step side right, step left next to right taking weight5-6Rock side right, recover left7&8Cross shuffle, right, left, right When starting this and the next section of eight the man wants to be behind the lady. Lady should take small steps throughout this section man will be stepping large to stay in the position he is inSTEP ¼ TURNS, CROSS SHUFFLE, SWAYS, STEP TOGETHER1-2Step back on left turning ¼ right, step side right turning ¼ right3&4Cross shuffle, left, right, left5-6Sway right, left7-8Step side right, together left, taking weight Man will be behind the lady throughout this section of eight also lady should take small steps. Man will be stepping large to keep time and stay where he should beSIDE ROCK, STEP BEHIND, BALL CROSS, SIDE ROCK, STEP BEHIND, ¼ TURN BALL CROSS1-2Side rock right, recover left3&4Step right behind left, ball cross on left, step right across left5-6Side rock left, recover right7&8Step left behind right, turning ¼ right, ball cross with right, step left forward Man should still be behind the lady in this section until they turn ¼ right than he must take large steps to return to side by side positionROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, STEP BACK, BACK ROCK, RECOVER, WALK BACK RIGHT, LEFT1-2MAN: Rock forward right, recover left LADY: Step forward right turn ½ left3-4MAN: Step back on right, rock back on left LADY: Step back right, turn ½ left5-6MAN: Rock forward right, recover left LADY: Step forward right turn ½ left7-8MAN: Step back right, left LADY: 2 Step full turn right, stepping right, leftSHUFFLE BACK, WALK BACK TWICE, COASTER STEP, WALK FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT1&2Shuffle back, right, left, right3-4Walk back left, right5&6Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward7-8Walk forward right, leftREPEAT On the 3rd, 4th and 5th sets of 8, the man will be doing a lot of work to get around the lady to stay in Side By Side Position so the smaller the steps for the lady the easier the sets will be