Who Do U C
Teresa Lawrence (UK) & Vera Fisher (UK)
When You Look at Me - Christina Milian
Sequence: A, TAG 1, B, A, TAG 2, B, A, A, TAG 1, B, A, ASECTION A Fun & funky bit! KICK OUT OUT IN CROSS HEELS SPLIT OUT IN. ROCK FORWARD & BACK TURN ROCK FORWARD & BACK TURN1&2Kick forward on right, step right to right side, step left to left side&3&4Bring right back to center, step left behind right, coming up on the balls of each foot bending knees slightly split heels apart then bring heels in straighten knees & placing weight on right5&6&7&8&Rock forward on left, replace weight onto right making ¼ turn left, rock back onto left, replace weight forward onto right, repeat counts 5&6& to bring you to the back wallSTEP HOLD STEP HOLD. ROCK & COASTER1-4Step forward on left, hold (option: as you step forward look to the left at same time swing arms slightly to left with fingers pointing to floor) step forward on right, hold (same option as above but look & arms to right)5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, replace weight onto right, left coaster stepKICK OUT OUT IN CROSS HEELS SPLIT OUT IN. ROCK FORWARD & BACK TURN ROCK FORWARD & BACK TURN1-8Repeat first section 1&2&3&4-5&6&7&8 you will finish facing front wallSTEP HOLD STEP HOLD. WALK ¾ TURN1-4Step forward on left, hold, step forward on right, hold5-6-7-8Walking left, right, left, right make a ¾ circular turn right, you will face 9:00TWIST . ¼ TURN SYNCOPATED JAZZ BOX1&2Step forward on left, coming up on the balls of both feet twist both heels left, bring feet back to center placing weight onto left (option: as you twist look to left then right at same time as heel twists)3&4&Cross right over left, making ¼ turn right step back on left, step forward on right, step slightly forward on left. You will end at front wallSECTION B Easy at first then attitude & posy! SIDE BEHIND CHASSE ¼ TURN. ¼ TURN HINGE. ¼ TURN HINGE. SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2-3&4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, chasse right to right side making ¼ turn right5-6-7&8Making ¼ turn right step back onto left, making ¼ turn right step right to right side, shuffle forward on leftWALK WALK MAMBO. BACK BACK MAMBO1-2-3&4Step forward right, step forward left, rock forward on right, replace weight onto left, step right next to left5-6-7&8Step back left, step back right, rock back on left, replace weight onto right, step left next to rightSIDE ROCK REPLACE TRIPLE WHOLE TURN. FORWARD ROCK REPLACE TRIPLE ¾ TURN1-2-3&4Rock right to right side, replace weight onto left, making a whole turn right on the spot do a triple stepping right, left, right5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, replace weight onto right, making ¾ turn left on the spot do a triple stepping left, right, left You will end facing frontROCK REPLACE SHUFFLE BACK. ROCK REPLACE SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2-3&4Rock forward on right, replace weight onto left, shuffle back on right5-6-7&8Rock back on left, replace weight onto right, shuffle forward on leftSNAKE ROLL RIGHT OR SWAY. BRING IT BACK ¼ TURN. CROSS SLOW UNWIND1-2Stepping right to right side do a side body roll from head down ending with weight on right (option: 2 hip bumps to right or sway right)3-4Do a side body roll to left from hips up making a ¼ turn left, ending with weight forward on left (option: do 2 hip rolls left still making ¼ turn left or sway left)5-8Cross right over left bending knees slightly, unwind whole turn left over 3 counts as you straighten kneesSNAKE ROLL LEFT OR SWAY. BRING IT BACK ¼ TURN RIGHT. ROCK FORWARD & BACK & KNEE BEND1-2-3-4Repeat counts 1-4 above but stepping to left rolling from left to right making a ¼ turn right5&6&7&8Rock forward on left, replace weight onto right, rock back onto left, replace weight onto right, step left to left side, coming up on balls of both feet bending knees slightly split heels out, bring heels back in straighten knees & place weight onto left Option: as you bend your knees & split heels bring arms out to each side bending elbows in so that hands are in a fist with knuckles facing each other in front of chest, as you straighten up bring arms back down to sideTAG 1 Roll it FORWARD BODY ROLL OR HIP ROLL1-4Forward body roll from knees up weight on to right over 2 counts. Roll body back ending with weight on left (option: 2 hip rolls to right)TAG 2 Handbag SIDE TOUCH. ¼ TURN TOUCH1-16Step right to right side with a slight snake roll on count 1, touch left toe next to right on count 2, making a ¼ turn left step forward on left on count 3, touch right toe next to left on count 4. Repeat 3 more times to end up making a whole turn left over 16 counts, you will end up at front wall. (the snake roll is an option, you can just do step touch)ENDING To end the dance, you will be facing the front wall. Just pose. As she sings "when you look at me", on the "me" bit just run your hands down the sides of your body.