Where I From
Charlotte Williams (USA)
Where I Come from - Alan Jackson
RIGHT VINE WITH LEFT HEEL; LEFT VINE WITH RIGHT HEEL1-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, tap left heel forward at left angle7-8Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, tap right heel forward at right angleWALK FORWARD WITH LEFT KICK; WALK BACK WITH RIGHT STOMP UP1-4Walk forward: right, left, right, kick left5-8Walk back: left, right, left, stomp (up) right next to left (weight is on left)STEP STOMP; STEP STOMP; RIGHT AND LEFT TRIPLE1-2Step right to right, stomp (up) left next to right3-4Step left to left, stomp (up) right next to left5&6Right triple in place (right, left, right -- angling to right)7&8Left triple in place (left, right, left -- angling to left)STEP, SCUFF FOUR TIMES MAKING A THREE-FOURTHS (¾) CIRCLE TO LEFT1-2Step forward on right, scuff left turning one-fourth (¼) to left3-4Step forward on left, scuff right turning one-fourth (¼) to left5-6Step forward on right, scuff left turning one-fourth (¼) to left7-8Step forward on left, scuff right next to leftREPEATTAG At beginning of 3rd wall (first time you face 6:00); the 5th wall (the first time you return to 12:00), and the 9th wall (second time you face the front)1-2Hip bumps to right3-4Hip bumps to left5-8Slow body roll forward and back